Project Scope: August, 2020 - Present
Project Type: Personal
Responsibilities: Logo Design, UX Research, UI Design, Usability Testing.
Tools: Pen and Paper, Figma, Sketch, Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator.
Project Overview
Study for Charity is a personal project started in August of 2020. It is an app that allows users to turn productivity into money for charity. The app was inspired by my observation of people’s hopes for improvement and productivity, procrastination, lack of motivation and direction. Unlike most productivity apps, Study for Charity allows users to choose a charity to donate. Every cent they make by being productive or procrastinated, will go directly into the needs.
This project is ongoing with more details to come.
Brief User Journey
The user will start with the initial amount of their wish, when they are being productive, the app will help them to put down a small donation to the charity of their choosing. On the contrary, if the users procrastinate, then the donation will have to come out of their own pockets, in double the amount.
The users can choose between taking lessons on partnered sites, or coming up with their own plans. The time tracker will help to track down the productive hours and minutes every day. When users fill up the “heart”, they will receive a free lesson of their choice.
Design Process
Understanding the problems and the users.
Empathy Mapping
The goal of the empathy mapping is to better understand the users. Being one of the common and easy methods in the initial design process, it is used to get this project off its feet. It is built using qualitative research data and information from participants and the construction of personas.
It consists of the following elements I took into consideration, the main user in this case, and my desired outcome. It also consists of this user’s senses, experiences, things one might say, hear, do, think and feel.

A survey was conducted with 10 individuals. The questionnaire consisted of their habits, motivations, and their daily responsibilities. This method was used to collect users’ insights and basic information to be determined in the next step of this early process of understanding the users.
The Numbers
100% of the respondents considered themselves to be somewhat procrastinating persons.
100% of the respondents want to, to some degree, get rid of the procrastination habit.
60% of the respondents say that they are able to somewhat take control of their procrastination.
100% of the respondents say that if their productivity can help to make the world a better place, they would increase their productivity.
The interviews were soon conducted in order to gain details into users’ struggles and the overall problems. The interviews were individually conducted for around 5-10 minutes long. The conversations were centered around the following:
1. Would you consider yourself to be a procrastinating person?
    10 out of 10 people interviewed, think of themselves as a procrastinating person.
2. During this quarantine, on the scale of 1-10, 1 being least procrastinating and 10 being the most, where would you put yourself?
    8 out of 10 interviewees put themselves a score above 6.
    Only 2 out of the total considered themselves to be more on the productive side, rated themselves a score below 5.
3. Were you able to achieve all your goals(study, finish watching a series, learn a new skill, etc.) from the beginning of this quarantine until now?
    8 out of 10 answered no.
4. What is in your head when you are going through a procrastination?
    “I am afraid that there are just too many tasks I need to do and I can’t finish any of them.”
    “I mean.. I can always do it tomorrow and it’s not like this is hurting anybody. (but myself).”
    “I can always do it by the DEADLINE deadline, you know what I am saying.”
    “I am definitely guilty, like, I feel ashamed, why can’t I be more productive? I missed so many                opportunities when I procrastinated, yet I still do it.”
    “I guess my biggest problem is afraid of starting something, and then I just keep on coming back to the  first step. It became a habit, I'm just getting so used to it.”
    “At the end of the day, if I don’t get my own things together, like, that is my business. I definitely don’t feel good about it, but it’s like, I can’t change it.”
5. What do you do to get yourself back on track?
    “I just let that(procrastination) happen and do not get myself back on track. I mean I have things I supposed to turn in three years ago, yet I still haven’t started it.”
    “Do anything else but the one thing I am supposed to get done, like eat or take a shower.”
    “Watch Netflix, time pass, deadline approach, turn off Netflix, and somehow I just start doing it.”
    “I just force myself to do it. Just completely shutting down my phone and other distractions. Just focus until I can poop it out.”
6. What is one thing you think it is going to help you not to procrastinate?
    “Money, give me money.”
    “Hard deadlines.”
    “If I don’t do this, I die, then I will do it.”
After concluding the initial interviews and analyzing the results, I had my first understanding of what my target audience looks like. Based on the information gathered, I made a persona, in order to better understand the user and make design decisions from now on.
User Journey Mapping
In order to uncover more possibilities and opportunities, I have made a user journey mapping to visualize the full process the user will take to achieve the end goal. This step helps me to further analyze the potential opportunities and areas of improvement.
1. Give introductions to users who wanted a change
2. Make suggestions on courses and study apps/websites
3. Time management
4. Rewards
5. Tracker
6. Friends/Study groups
How Might We questions were asked to begin a brainstorm session in order to think of as many solutions to a problem aiming to cover every possible design blind spot.
Product Features Roadmap
Product Features Roadmap was developed to lay out the key features of the app and some minor features. The purpose of this roadmap is to set priorities for further development and gather research in relation to each feature.
User Flow
A user flow was created in order to further understand users’ navigation through the app, starting from their entry point all the way to the successful outcome.

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